

Telefónica Open Future

What is Telefonica Open Future?

Open Future is a program that aims to promote talent and technological entrepreneurship. For this, it has different online and offline initiatives that support entrepreneurs, startups and consolidated companies in their career towards success. Find everything about Telefonica Open Future in the section Who we are.

Who are behind this?

Open Future is Telefonica's open innovation program in collaboration with external, public and private partners.

Is Telefónica Open Future online accelerator?

The Telefonica Open Future program is made up of different initiatives focused on open innovation. One of these initiatives is the online tool where you can find resources that will help you mature your project.

What are the online inniciatives that Telefonica Open Future offers?

The online tool is a free entrepreneurship meeting point for everyone: people with great ideas, startups, already developed companies, investors.In it you can find networking, training tools, calls, events and all kinds of information to make your project grow .

Through offline initiatives, such as Wayra, Crowdworkings or the Amerigo and Telefonica Ventures Funds, you will be able to promote, accelerate and get investment for your idea or company. Find more information about our initiatives at Who we are.


What is a startup in this platform?

What can I achieve creating a startup on this platform?

When creating a startup you will be able to access calls in a much easier way, since the information of your project will be saved in the form of a startup and you can retrieve it later to save time in the process of registering a call. You will also be part of our Directory, which will open doors for you in the sector.

What is the startups directory?

In this space all the startups that are part of the Telefonica Open Future_ ecosystem meet. You can search for startups of your interest using different filters, such as country, sector or industry in which they are developed.


What is a toolbox?

Toolbox is a library of resources that can help you in the development of your idea or startup.

How the tools in the Toolbox are organized?

  1. By Development Phase: Depending on the maturity level of your startup
  2. By Objective: Depending on the objective you need to enhance
  3. By type of tool: You have at your disposal; tools with theoretical content and tools with practical content (templates).

Do I need to have a startup profile to use the Toolbox tools?

No, the resources available in the Toolbox do not require having a startup profile.

Why I don't have to fill in any information to use a tool?

Since the tools are applicable to any type of startup or idea, regardless of the sector or level of maturity, you are not required to complete any information when consuming a tool. You must follow the guidelines proposed in each of them and apply them in the specific context of your startup or idea.


What is the section of offers?

In the Offers section you can find special offers from our partners for your startup.

How can I beneficiate of the offer?

In order to benefit from these offers, your startup must be part of a Crowdworking space of the Open Future network

Open Calls

What are the Open Calls?

The Open calls are the main selection mechanism used by the different initiatives that make up Open Future_ and our partners. So It is possible to identify startups with potential and provide them with access to Crowdworking spaces, Wayra academies and / or financing.

How can I apply to an Open Call?

The calls are a great opportunity to start your project, access a workspace, mentoring, networking and investment. Each call has its own value proposition. To find out exactly what a call offers, consult the Legal Basis document that appears published on the presentation page of said call.

Who can register for an Open Call?

In general, any startup can access the open calls at any time. To register for a call, you must complete the registration process, which consists of completing a series of forms. In any case, each call has a series of specific requirements, so before registering, consult in detail the Legal Basis document that appears published on the presentation page of the call.

How can I apply for an Open Call?

To register for a call, you must complete the registration process, which consists of completing a series of specific forms for each call. To do this, access the presentation page of the call and press the button "Register". If you have already participated in a previous call or have registered the profile of your startup in Telef & nica Open Future_, you will be able to use it to register and so on. take advantage of the information you have previously uploaded. If it is your first time, you must enter the name of the project with which you want to register for the call. Finally, you must complete all the forms that will be presented until you reach 100% progress (all mandatory questions completed) and press the Submit button.

What are the projects?

A project is the way to present yourself to a call, it can be your startup or a new project.

How do I know if I applied correctly?

If you have successfully completed the registration process for a call, you will receive an email from confirming receipt of your project.

How can I retrieve the information from applications to previous calls?

Once you have registered for a call, we offer you the option of saving all the information by creating a startup. However, you can also register with an application to a previous call. In the My Calls tab you can find your applications to past calls.

I don´t see my project

In the Calls section, if you have already participated in any call, you will see a tab titled `` My Submissions ''. If you click on the link associated with each of them, you will access the projects with which you participated.

Can I start the inscription and finish it later?

Yes! If for any reason you interrupt the registration process in a call, make sure to complete the questions in a section and click on the button "Validate answers". All the information you have uploaded so far will remain stored and you can continue with the registration process at another time (as long as the closing date of the call has not arrived). To continue with the registration process, access the section of "My Submissions" and click on the button of the call in which you are participating to complete the process.

When will I know the answer?

The results depend on each call, but don't worry! As soon as there is news, you will receive more information. In any case, in the Legal Basis document of each call, there is a section with the dates on which it will be finalized. the evaluation process and the communication mechanism used by the partner responsible for the call. If after those dates you still do not receive a response, consult the partner responsible for the call directly (a contact mailbox should appear in the Bases document).

What is the FastTrack code?

It is a code that allows you to participate in calls for which the registration period has expired. The Partner responsible for the call will decide in a timely manner if you want to share this code with a specific startup.


Can I create an event on the platform?

To ensure the quality of the events, only the managers of the initiatives and our partners can create them.

Who can participate in the event?

Not all published events are freely accessible. If they were, the details of the registration process or the requirements to be able to attend in person will appear in the description of the same.

I can follow an event by streaming?

Yes, as long as the event is streamed. You can filter events that can be streamed using the “Upcoming Direct” filter that appears on the events page.

How can I follow an event that is streamed?

All the events that are broadcast by streaming can be followed, either from the event description page itself, or on the live portal.

Past records of the event are available?

In some cases, the recording of past events is available. To find out what they are, use the "Recorded events" filter that appears on the events page.

Registration and Users

How can I register via Social Media?

If you register through your Social Media, we will create an account with the email associated with the social network of your choice. Your password will be that of the social network in question.

How can I find another user?

You can search for any user with the search engine that you will find in the upper right part of the screen.

Personal Information

How can I change my data?

To modify your user data you must access "Edit Profile" within your menu of user. Once there you can modify them.

How can I change my password?

To modify your password, you must access "General configuration" in the menu "configuration". Once there You will need to enter your current password and the new password that you want to use.

How can I delete my user?

We do not want to lose any entrepreneur and we would love to know the reasons why you prefer to leave. If even so you want to do it, you can leave the platform by accessing your "general settings" within the menu configuration. Once there You can confirm that you want to cancel your account.

What happens with my data?

All the data that you put on the platform is and will remain your property and may be deleted at any time. You can find more information in the  legal conditions.


Why I see some events and calls in Spanish and others in English or Portuguese?

The portal offers the possibility of publishing all the information in Spanish, English and Portuguese. However, the Partner preparing the material may publish the information in one language only.